Jonah chapters 3 & 4

Sep 15, 2024    Pastor Betty Cheatham

Although Jonah ran from God in the beginning when he was called, he eventually called out to God, after he died and God heard his cries and put Jonah back on the path God wanted him to go. How often do we do that? God calls us to do something, and we are like, "NOPE!! Not me!!" And we stop communicating with God until our circumstances are bad or we need something. But, God is a God of second, third, etc. chances. He is right there ready to pick us up out of our mess and put us back on the path that He has laid out for us. When Jonah finally went to Nineveh, to speak the message God had for these people, the Ninevites believed everything Jonah said, and repented and prayed to God. Why did they believe Jonah, a Hebrew man? What caused them to turn from their wicked ways? They worshipped Dagon, a fish god. Jonah was swallowed by a fish and then lived to tell about it. God used this to reach the hearts of the Ninevites. God still uses what may seem like silly things, to get our attention. It's up to us to stop, listen, and be obedient to God's will.