5 Essentials to Conquering Troubled Times

Jan 14, 2024    Pastor Betty Cheatham

1. Meditate on the right things - to think a thought until it becomes a lasting emotion. Think about how good God is and remember that no matter what we go through or what circumstances say God is GOOD!

2. Work on your core beliefs - work on them daily. Know who God is; He is our loving Father. He is love. He is Faithful. Know who God made YOU to be. Know you are His righteousness. Know you are called and qualified. Know that God lives in your house.

3. Be a Blessing - do a random act of kindness for someone.

4. Stay Positive - it can be hard in the midst of a storm to keep positive, but by working on our core beliefs and meditating on the good things, we can keep positive thoughts in our minds.

5. Remember how to laugh - a merry heart does good like a medicine. Laughter is healthy and a good way to make you feel better. It opens your heart and fills you with joy.