What lens are you looking through?

Nov 19, 2023    Pastor Betty Cheatham

Whenever we are faced with problems we often lose sight of God, and the problem becomes the center of our attention. We have to shift our focus and have faith that God is good. We learned last week that although belief and faith go hand in hand, there is a difference. We have belief that God is good and His word is true, but do we have faith? How can we trust (have faith) if we are looking through an unclear lens? So many of us have an obscured view of ourselves and God. Our viewpoint says, "I'm broken, I'm unworthy, I'm a screw up, I'm unlovable, God's angry at me, God has abandoned me, God doesn't love me." God's viewpoint is so different from ours. We need to start seeing ourselves through God's eyes. God's viewpoint says, "I'm loved, I'm worth it, I'm redeemed, I'm righteous, I'm whole, God loves me, God is patient, God rejoices with me, God delights in me." The more we look through God's lens and the more we renew our minds with His word, the more our trust (faith) will grow. What lens are you looking through?