There's More to Jonah Than Being Swallowed By A Big Fish!

Sep 1, 2024    Pastor Betty Cheatham

I'm sure we've all heard the story of Jonah and the whale. It's so easy to misunderstand this story and misinterpret the whole point to mean that if we don't listen to God, He's going to punish us. That's not what this story is about. Jonah was a great prophet, and he knew the voice of God. When God told him to go to Ninevah, he didn't want to go. Ninevah people hated Jews, and their armies were known for being brutal. So, when God called Jonah to go there he was like NO Thanks, and he ran. He got on a boat to take him in the total opposite direction. What happens next? There comes this big storm, and the crew of the ship are terrified and trying to throw stuff overboard to lighten the load and steady the ship. Jonah is sleeping down below and the crew wake him up and ask him to pray that God would spare them. Jonah knew that this storm was happening because he disobeyed God. God didn't send the storm to punish Jonah. This was just a consequence of Jonah's choice. When Jonah was thrown overboard, God provided a big fish to swallow him and take him where God wanted him to go all along. How does this resonate with us in our lives today? We need to make sure we are getting on the right ship. As soon as God tells you to do something, there will be a boat that will take you in the opposite direction and can wreak havoc on your life. We have to learn to listen to the voice of God. How do we make sure we are getting on the right boat? 1. Intimacy with God - allowing God to search your heart and reveal to you things that need to be rooted up or give you a revelation about something you didn't know before. 2. Bible application - getting in God's word, and not just reading the words, but asking God to reveal to you how to apply what you're reading to your life. The more you read and ask God to reveal things to you, the more you will grow and be able to walk in it. God's word is living and He speaks to us through it constantly. 3. Community with believers - when you are struggling, you want to go to people who you can trust and will lift you up in prayer and encourage you. Who you surround yourself with is so important. Especially if you are going through something, it's so important to have Godly people in your life who aren't going to judge you, but lift you up in prayer and encourage you, cry with you, give you encouraging scriptures. There is so much more to the story of Jonah and the whale.