Whatever A Man Thinks...

Sep 24, 2023    Pastor Jerry Hinkle

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7 We are a 3 part being- 1. Spirit 2. Soul (mind, will, & emotions) 3. Body. When we get saved, our spirit is in alignment with God. We have to get our souls in alignment with God and then the body will follow. The enemy will do everything he can to enter into our souls and steal everything God has given us. In order for us to not let that happen, we need to renew our minds daily. We need to grow our relationship with our Daddy God, through prayer and reading His word. If your mind is full of negativity and all the things of the world, your life will be a mess. We need to fill our minds with Jesus so our lives will be full of peace. Whatever a man thinks, so is he.